Monday, August 08, 2005 @11:36 PM
Since I've made up my mind and gotten myself a weblog. I was thinking to put up some chinese writings, which I hand-wrote during college years in my little 'bible'. I found out this one, given the title "
Are Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston divorced?". Now, don't bash me!! This was written back in my 4th year of College
*using my fingers to work out how many years ago*. Okay, that would be back in 2001, to be precise 4 years ago!
Whoo-hoo, am I a fortune-teller or a some kind of psychic as this couple was truly divorced sometime last year or early this year? Well, if I were, then do you think I'll be blabbing with you free of charge and living my simplest lifestyle as a poor student right now?
This chinese article was written right after one of the usual dinner evenings together with my housemate at that time, YL, who was a combined degree Law and Commerce student, who also paid a lot of attention in catching up current affairs and of course entertainment news. Before I post up our little convo up in chinese (
which was written 4 years ago, yes I have to emphasize enough), I'd briefly summarized the content, in case AA will buzz me to translate the whole thing into english later. *
Ooouch, I'm sorry, no offence, AA*.
The story goes like housemate then, YL was telling me many of her friends hardly picked up the newspapers to check out what was happening in the world. Since YL was the only one who read newspapers and watched the daily newsreports on TV, her friends relied on her heavily to update them with news headlines. One day, while YL was doing the usual 'news report' to her buddies, which went something like "
8th Grade Earthquake hits AAA, X people died and Y injuries.", "
Civil war in BBB." etc...all her friends were not bothered at all and continued to babble. Seing such response from her friends, the cheeky YL burst out another sentence while reading the headlines "
Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were divorced." Just after the last word, all her friends paused and started screaming.
"What did you say?" "Is that true?" "How could it happen?" All questions were thrown to YL and she burst out into laughter and gazed at them. "Of course....I made it all up!"
I am indeed very grateful to YL, who shared this little incident up later in that evening. There are many of us who are actually not paying enough attention to the earth we are residing. We are just too self-centred. Some may be aware of some happenings in the world, but not showing enough concern to do our parts in helping. Most of us focus too much on the Hollywood Bollywood e-news, thus has greatly lifted and expanded the paparazi professions. Haven't you realized that the e-news column in the newspapers of all languages have been further extended, at least in the majority of the newspapers?
Well, I admit that I do read e-news and flip through e-magazines quite often. But I do that just for relaxation. Who really cares who goes out with who, who calls for a divorce, who is pregnant?? Blah. It is none of our business. These stars are only there to be good in their jobs in making excellent movies, songs, whatver entertaining productions for us. They have their own personal lives to deal with and we do not have any rights to interfere or judge. So why bother spending time in checking up other people's lives, in fact we have so much we have to take care of for ourselves? Believe me or not, I prefer substance and I do care and love this planet that I'm living. *
Brad Pitt 和 Jennifer Aniston 离婚?
有 天晚餐,屋友提及她也有几个朋友很少阅抱。每当她们和她聚在一次时,看到屋友在翻报,就随口要她把报上的标题念出来。于是,屋友也一一把标题读出来。 “某某国家发生八级地震,X人死,Y人伤。”,“某国发生内战。”等世界大事标题。她的朋友听后若无其事。当然,屋友接着也很尽责的报道了些娱乐新闻。 “BRAD PITT 和 JENNIFER ANISTON 离婚了” 话没说完,她的朋友们一一起轰,有的甚至大喊起来。“什么?” “是真的吗?” “唉呀,怎么会这样?” 这时候,,屋友不禁大笑起来,瞪了朋友们一眼说:“当然是.....假的!”
其实,我并不徘彻看娱乐新闻。但是,并不主张对它们过度关注,毕竟那只是生活中一小部分的娱乐点缀品。生活上还有许多事情值得我们去关心和留意的,因为我们是社会的一份子,也是同样的居住在这个地球村。如果我们都不关心自己的切身问题,谁还会呢? (草于2001年M城)
Sunday, August 07, 2005 @10:32 PM
在大一机缘巧合下认识了小群。回想起来,真的该感想那科我讨厌的资讯管理。 我本来是科学和资讯双学位学生,但只在大一的第一学期修了俩门资讯的科目后,对这科系就敬而远之了,从此只专著与生物医药系。 话说回来,因一次的资讯管理的一门功课,某天在电脑室里,我正苦恼于乏味的课业时,忽然一个娇滴滴的声音在我身旁响起。 我一看是一个娇小玲珑的女生正要和我聊聊我正在埋头苦干的功课。 我们就这么聊了起来。原来小群并不是资讯系的学生,她已经是精算系的大二的名列榜首的学生。小群和我一见如故,可能我们都是来自同一个国家的缘故吧,但我 想朋友的缘分就是那么的奇妙。从那次的认识后,我们变成了相当要好的朋友。
她是个非常聪明的学生,待人处世都很成熟圆滑。许多人往往会被她那娇小 的 身型和温柔的外表和看上去比实际年龄还要年轻许多的外表而误导了。其实小群是个非常 独立,有主见思想和坚强的女生。那时,我在功课或人生碰到了困境或遇上瓶颈,都会向她聊聊,听听她的意见看法。自从我从大学毕业后,在离开了
A国后,已有 近四年没和小群见面了。但是,很庆幸的是我们都会偶尔给彼此发电子邮件,把持联系,汇报彼此的近况。
C 城开始了新的生活,新的工作,认识新的朋友,无奈小群并没有爱上
C城。相对的,她发觉自己越来越依赖男友。今天和小群在网上聊了一下,惊觉得以前坚强 独立和懂得苦中作乐的小群不见了。她在网上诉说她为了迁就男友和他的家人而放弃了许多,包括搬离自己在M城的亲友,稳定的工作和舒适熟悉的环境,来到了一 个沉闷和陌生的城市。
C城 并没有方便的公共交通系统,所以小群想要在下班后发展个人的私人活动而感到不方便。在她还为考到驾驶执照前,凡事必须依 靠男友充当她的司机。面对这样 的转变,小群无疑是感到不愉快的,她觉得被困住了,急需多点空间和自由。她感慨地说当初的远距离恋爱感觉比现在束缚的感觉来得好。
是 爱改变了她吗?其实每时每刻我们都在改变。爱情是人生变化中的项目和因素之一。人生的变化是不能避免的。改变并不可怕,亦非是坏事。只要我们在人生的变 化多端中,吸取经验和勇于接受挑战和难题,它们都会使我们更加成熟,从磨练中变得有智慧。很多时候,变化却是种转机,转机即会带来生机。谁说改变不好呢? (草于30-05-2005)
♥ every page of my imagination
Saturday, August 06, 2005 @5:49 PM
Your dating personality profile:
Practical - You are a down-to-earth individual who is not impressed with material excess. You care about the stuff of like that really matters. Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love. Traditional - Modern culture does not move you. You hold traditional values dear to your heart. | Your date match profile:
Traditional - You aren't looking for someone who is sexually repressed. You want someone who is adventurous under the covers. Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living. Intellectual - You seek out intelligence. Idle chit-chat is not what you are after. You prefer your date who can stimulate your mind. |
Your Top Ten Traits
1. Practical 2. Big-Hearted 3. Traditional 4. Wealthy/Ambitious 5. Liberal 6. Adventurous 7. Sensual 8. Intellectual 9. Funny 10. Religious
| Your Top Ten Match Traits
1. Traditional 2. Practical 3. Intellectual 4. Big-Hearted 5. Religious 6. Funny 7. Shy 8. Conservative 9. Athletic 10. Adventurous
Take the Online
Dating Profile Quiz at
Dating Diversions**********************************************************************************
I was surfing around some bloggers' sites and found this love quiz.Okay, that was my quiz results *not sure how true it is*. Anyways I think it is interesting. Have fun with the quiz if you have a few minutes to spare :)
♥ every page of my imagination
Thursday, August 04, 2005 @11:36 PM
I have been feeling exhausted since months ago. Usually the passion, motivation and progress of work will compensate the physical tiredness. But now I am on the verge of despair because of my continuous failures in my experiments these couple of weeks. Every morning, I have to drag myself out of bed and I am going in to the lab later and later each day. The signs are pretty obvious. I need a break!!! I need time to be revived!!!
This morning, as usual, I had to struggle so hard to get out of bed. All of a sudden there is this 'evil' thought flashing in my mind. Why not taking a day off today? *
blink blink* *smart gal*
So once my mind was set not to go to work today, a whole list of to-do things was kind of planned in my mind. These are things that I wanted to do during the past weekends at home, which I never find time doing, such as cleaning up the apartment, reading, updating the blogs (especially converting the old stuff written ages ago into the electronic format), take an afternoon nap ex cetera.
Please do not be too surprised if I tell you that at the end of the day, I barely accomplished anything from the to-do list. Reasons? Blame the time, one day is just too short, I need another day off! Holiday is never enough! *
lol* Nah, I am sure you know the actual reason, it is procrastination!
When it is a day off, it is not meant to be a heavy load day anyway. I should not rush myself to achieve too many things in a day. It is a day for me to relax and do things that I want.
I am glad that my impromptu idea of taking a day off makes me feel better. I won't say I am fully revived. But at least it is nice to be away for a while from the messy work and the workplace I go in each day (seeing the fact I do work on the weekends sometimes). It is even a more pleasant feeling to be able to spend my time doing something that I longed for or better still, doing nothing.
After all, today went pretty well for me, at least I washed the bathroom, mopped the floor, took an hour's nap in the afternoon (although I was trying to get more sleep than this) and most importantly babbled with my sis, who is ten thousand miles away from me. That was one of the best reviving medicines I have ever had. *
♥ every page of my imagination
Wednesday, August 03, 2005 @11:01 PM
LC turned 26 today. We had a homemade chocolate hazelnut cake in the afternoon *yum yum*.
♥ every page of my imagination
@12:35 AM
(Part 1)
Talking to my sis is a good way to exercise my brain. She constantly throws me some intriguing questions. Don't believe me? Here it goes for the most recent conversation I had with her over msn this morning.
I've found out a quotation (
Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play and to look up the stars.), which sounds entrancing and have put it up as my nickname in my chat window.
Sis: hey, wut is so glad about being able to look at the stars?
Me: eerr...i dunno, but dun u thk stars r so beautiful? (*shrug*)
Sis: yes they are, but wut is so glad about it?
Me: ........(*brain cracking to find an answer*)
Sis: i luv to see the stars..but i think u like to see the sun more than the star!
Me: ....... (*complete speechless*)
Did I ever say that? Even if I did, is it wrong to borrow someone's quotation?? ARGH!!! Well done, this beats me!
(Part 2)
We were having lunch in the department's kitchen. JG suddenly announced that he turned 30 two days ago. We immediately started to give him our belated but sincere greetings.
JG: I feel great entering this magic number 30. I am now qualified to be the senior PhD student in the lab. (*saying out with full confidence*)Me: yeah are old! JG: so how old are you? 25? (*in a sarcastic tone*)Me: yeah, so...?? (*begin to protest*)JG: I don't feel old myself at all. Do you know for men, we are only starting to accelarate in our curve. 50 will be our peak point. What about women?Me: 25 perhaps (*instantaneously replied*)JG: So, you mean now? Hahahaha (*laughing out loud*)Oops, I've trapped myself! Beats me again!!
Someone sitting next to me was quiet throughout the whole conversation. She's JH, a mother of two at her late 30s.
JG: so JH, why are you so quiet? (*rolling his eyes like won't believe*)JH: ..... (*blushing*)JG: oh I know why, you'd already hit your peak ages ago and now in your descending curve right? Hahahaha (*louder laughter*)
JH: then why are you asking??
Phew, seems like I'm not the worst!
♥ every page of my imagination
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 @7:46 AM
I love to write and most importantly I love to share. I started writing when I was in 1st year university. Finally today (
1st of August 2005), I've decided to share all my thoughts while I continue to view the fleeting world - a star at dawn, a bubble in the stream; a flash of lightning in a summer cloud; a flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream here. :)
♥ every page of my imagination