Monday, September 12, 2005 @11:48 PM
This evening's semi-informal scientific discussion at one of our surgeon's place's just
absolutely fantastic (I actually qouted this from one of our visiting surgeons).
We had 13 people (we were so lucky :P) participated. They were surgeons, postdocs, PhD students and also a visiting medical undergrad student. The presenter did an excellent job in introducing a topic which most of us are not familar of. The most beautiful part of it is markedly I understood the whole discussion from the beginning till the end. I was pretty impressed with myself. Eh, sound like a lousy student, don't I?
The discussion throughout the whole evening had us in fits of laughter. It's just like watching a Jim Carey's movie or any other hilarious funny shows, in fact it's way better than that coz we were served 3 different red wines with food this evening. *
Yay! After the informative interactions and discussions over "serious" stuff carried out in a relaxing manner, our host kindly served us 3 types of red wine (from South Africa, Argentina and Spain and don't ask me the name of the wine, I couldn't remember), Italian salami and some French cheese too.
I really had a great night. On our way back, the next host, a German professor promised to make us some German cakes for the next seminar. Oh, I can't wait for the next round of scientific interaction.
We can acquire knowledge through many different ways and the one we had this evening is definitely one of the effective and howling ones.I'm going to dream about what I learnt and of course the good food and wine I just had tonight. I think I'm little drunk. Sleeping now.
♥ every page of my imagination