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Monday, March 13, 2006 @8:38 AM

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I’m proud to announce to you that I have a tidy Jade-style writing desk at work now!! Yay!

Did I move or relocate at work? Nope.

You won’t believe this if I tell you I’ve taken over a nice corner desk sharing a big room (the biggest room of the floor) with a few others, yet I had never bothered to clean up whatever “leftovers” from the previous owner 1.5 years ago! Yep, that’s just me, lazy girl! How did I survive all this while? Well, fortunately my desk is big enough for me to pile stacks and stacks of papers. I was telling NK, “I’m the messiest person in the lab!” He laughed and noted that it was funny to hear this coming out from me and he couldn’t believe it. It is so true and I even further added, “The worse part is, I’m even more untidy than a lot of guys out there, at least in our lab.”

I have always had the urge of doing something for this. It’s not like I’m really a messy person in general. Most of the time, I’m quite presentably tidy. Yet I have always let the laziness rules me. Recently I’ve been going through some gluey phases. No, no drama or chaos. It was just one of those moments that you felt something’s not quite right and thus affecting you in certain ways. What I usually do is to pause, examine the root of the problem(s) and then deal with whatever I can.

While pausing there, I realized that I’ve already stayed here for almost two years! In other words, almost half of my stay here has gone, I haven’t really made myself as comfortable as I should. I mean, look at my work place and my apartment; I have stuff unpacked for 2 years. I have stuff stacked at aside that I am likely to forget about. Perhaps subconsciously I knew my stay here won’t be forever, and hence I couldn’t be bothered to unpack and pack later. That’s a lame excuse. It’s not like I’m going to leave tomorrow. I should, however, really take the advantage to make it my little place for me to enjoy the rest of my stay here. AA said in actuality, my laziness was to blame. That could be true too.

I’ve been putting off to doing anything about this, until I came to this gluey phase. Due to a combination of things, I just realized I wasn’t enjoying what I was doing each day. I was de-motivated. I knew I’ve got to do something about it.

So after contemplating my navel (yeah, I do that a lot), now it’s about time to put some thoughts into action. First of all, I need to clean up the mess, tidy up the place(s) and make them as MY Place. I spent two days cleaning and rearranging my work desk in my office. I chucked away tons of papers and unwanted stuff to the recycle bin and trash bin. I’ve rearranged the little notes I put up on the wall that my desk’s facing. It’s all done now and I’m so proud of the nice clean desk of my own.

I’m going to do the same for my apartment. I want to make it my comfortable little place. It’ll be MY place. No more unpacked stuff. I’m actually going to open up stuff that I brought and use them. If I’ve brought them with me, there is no reason for me to keep them untouched until the day I leave.

I feel so great to toss unwanted stuff out to the bin. I feel extremely good to see more rooms after emptying the trashes. A good start is halfway to success. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not referring to the success success. The success I’m referring is the plan you’re setting for yourself. No wonder, some people go for a hair cut after a break up. Some people get a job change after some unpleasant encounter. To them, by doing something (although not related to whatever drama they are going through) symbolizes good riddance. “Deep down you know it’s best for yourself…we know that it’s true, let it burn, let it burn, gotta let it burn.” Eh, no, I’m not promoting burning rubbish to generate smoke and dust to the environment. But you know what I mean, don’t you?

I think with a clean tidy Jade’s desk at work and a soon-to-be clean apartment, I shall be all set to revive some aspirations. Wait, I need to clean my lab bench too. : )

every page of my imagination


Viewing the fleeting world
- a star at dawn; a bubble in the stream; a flash of lightning in a summer cloud; a flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream together with Jade

& Tune In To ...


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