Wednesday, May 30, 2007 @10:43 PM

When things are rough, or when we are not having a smooth ride, we tend to get more and more stressed out, frustrated, flustered and angry. We tend to just feel all the negativities. The more we think about the rough time, the more down we are emotionally. But if we try to look at the matter differently, to transform the negative to positive, then we will be able to see it in a different perspective.
"You shouldn't worry. There shouldn't be anything for you because worrying will not solve the problem. My experiences told me things will work themselves out eventually."
"Maybe at that time I would be extremely frustrated that things are not working the way I wanted, but later on things just surprisingly worked out."
"Perhaps they did not turn out to be what I wanted at that time. But I am always happy and satisfied with all the outcomes so far. Probably what I wanted at that time was not correct."
This was what my coworker told me lately.
My aunt told me that she watched a show the other day. The host interviewed a famous singer of how she felt when she lost a big award recently.
"Of course I was a bit disappointed. But soon enough I realized there's nothing to be upset about because it was just an award and I did not have anything from the beginning and now I have a glorious career. I have already owned a lot as compared to before."
My aunt also mentioned that, "A rough ride isn't bad as we see. It makes you learn and trains you to be a stronger person. You will accumulate experiences and after that you'll know how to handle. That's what we call wisdom."
All these sound really simple and most likely we have heard it n times. But it is good to be reminded again, especially during the so-called rough times. The words make a distinct difference of either we continue sinking or we float.
♥ every page of my imagination
Thursday, May 03, 2007 @10:25 PM

A month or two ago, I received an email from my close friend, who I became buddy with in elementary school. My friend is getting married in July and she was hoping that I would fly home to attend her wedding.
I had sort of lost touch with this friend of mine for about two years. In other words, I haven't seen her for two years. I was even suspecting that she was already married last year for some reason. Well it was not too surprising to receive her break the news since she has been dating her beau for about three-four years now. It is about time. On top of that, a lot of my classmates/schoolmates/coursemates and even my juniors (who are few years younger than me) are getting married, if not already married.
"You are already at that age, it is about time." Many people including my family claimed so.
So is it really about time? When do you consider it is time? Personally I think it is more of whether are you ready, rather than it is about time. You could date or even married with someone for years yet you do not even know the person very well. Some who just dated for awhile but they just worked out nicely and are happily together. It really just boils down to how much the two putting effort in making it work; putting effort in communicating, understanding the person, acknowledging the flaws, appreciating the good sides and knowing what to accommodate and stuff.
Is it about time just because you are at that age? Again, personally I do not agree to get married too young, for practical reasons. You are still a kid yourself and are not financially independent. You still have a lot to experience before you have enough to share with your own kids or shoulder more responsibilities. Yet of course it is also ideal not to settle down too late, especially for those who want to have their own kids; you want to have enough stamina and energy to take care of your kids. Still, does that mean just because you are at the age of settling down or in other words you are no longer young, you should just settle down with whoever you are with, or worse still simply grab someone and settle down? This issue seems to be more common in women. Although the twentieth century has brought about revolutionary changes for the status of women, we (ladies) still feel the pressure about marriage. The biological clock is ticking is the blame. There is reduced risk for normal pregnancy and healthy childbirth for later childbearing women. True. But why should we worry about kids when you are not even sure whether would you be happy settling down with that person, who would be your children's father?
It will only be about time when both know that they are happy to spend their lives with each other. There should be absolutely no hesitations. Neither one should feel forced to do so. And no other factors including time and age, should be influential.
♥ every page of my imagination