Friday, October 07, 2005 @9:44 AM
When you were a kid, did you ever wish to grow up faster and become an adult? I did. I always thought adults had more capability to deal things, at least they didn’t have to go to school, being scolded by teachers, no exams and homework, have more “power” in solving the problems kids usually have, have money to buy whatever they like ex cetera.
So each year, I looked forward from Year 1 to Year 2 and so forth. I also thought those seniors in my school were so much better off than me because they were always few years older than me and most importantly they’d passed through whatever I was going through at that time in that level.
When I was in nursery school/kindergarten, I thought how nice if I were in primary school.
When I was in primary school, I thought how nice if I were in elementary/high school.
When I was in high school, I thought how nice if I were in college.
However I started to doubt about this thinking during college. I started feeling the “power” hasn’t been really granted even when I was entering the adulthood. Worse still is I began to feel life is far more complicated in the adult world. And now, I am certainly sure that problems are more in this adult world. Welcome to this challenging adult world, a world of reality!
But maybe we are missing something here; maybe life would be much better if you’re not so “junior” in this adult world. Say, maybe you’ll be better if you get a good job (build up your career), found your SO, start your own family, raise a couple of kids, invest properties, have social fames and power ex cetera…
But as I live vicariously, I observe and realize everyone is having some sort of “crisis” at every stage/phase of their lives.
When you’re at 20s, you’ll be struggling to excel in your studies and striving to get a degree or go to Grad School. After passing out from college, you’re starting to chase and establish your career. And in between juggling with other things including finding your SO.
When you’re at 30s, you’ll be thinking you should be pretty much settled now or getting ready to settle. Those who’ve already married will be busy coping with their own family, dealing issues with their partners and kids. For those who are single, some may start to worry a little about thinking would they ever find their own SO and have their own family. Some feel that they have lost the motivation in whatever they are doing and begin to feel that there are experiencing some sort of midlife crisis as they are getting closer to the big 40.
When you’re finally at your 40s, you’ll feel that you’re much older now and should already hit your peak and full of wisdom. But this is always not the case. You may find life is a bit stagnant with a too comfortable life. You begin to think life is too routine and longing for something to spice up your life. If you have kids and they are growing up, you worry more about their well-being.
When you’re at your 50s, you’ll be contemplating for a retirement and financial issue will be in the top considering issue. Some maybe feeling exhausted and looking back realizing they have not been living to their fullest and considering a second intake of their life.
When you’re at your 60s and onwards, you’re now supposed to be a sage but you’ll still find there’s a gap with your younger generations in your family. Most of the time you’re feeling time passes too quickly and you still have a lot of things not accomplished. When you feel that at least you have the time to enjoy what you’re supposed to, but things don’t permit. Why? Coz you’re already one foot in the grave.
After summing up different phases in life (that’s assuming we will live that long), it’s not surprising to hear and find out that indeed everyone has different crisis in every stages of their life. Even kids have their own problem. Babies also have their tiny hurdles while they are acquiring basic skills from the infant stage till a few years old. If we are too engrossed with this entire unavoidable crisis, we’ll never be able to truly enjoy life. Why not treat these crisis and hurdles and humps in life as a challenge and enjoy the process of dealing with them? It is wiser to enjoy and appreciate the ongoing stage and moment because time really passes quickly. We are so lucky that at least we still are given a choice to making decisions to overcome these interesting challenges. Some may think in some cases we don’t have a choice; well then at least we have a chance to live to deal and cope with this and we’ll sure be a better person after experiencing this. But seriously, we do have a choice, we have a choice to view the matter, we have a choice to decide our own emotions to be happy or sad.
Apparently I saw a message regarding this that touches me deeply. It goes like this:-
We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another.
Then we get frustrated because our children are not old enough, and that all will be well when they are older.
Then we are frustrated because they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely we’ll be happier when they grow out of the teen years.
We tell ourselves our life will be better when our spouse gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a vacation, when we finally retire.
The truth is that there is no better time to be happy than right now.
If not, then when?
Your life will always be full of challenges. It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy in spite of it all.
For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start. Real life.
But there was always some obstacle along the way, an ordeal to get through, some work to be finished, some time to be given, a bill to be paid. Then life would start.
I finally came to understand that those obstacles were life.
That point of view helped me see that there isn’t any road to happiness.
Happiness IS the road.
So, enjoy every moment.
Stop waiting for school to end, for a return to school, to lose ten pounds, to gain ten pounds, for work to begin, to get married, for Friday evening, for Sunday morning, waiting for a new car, for your mortgage to be paid off, for spring, for summer, for fall, for winter, for the first or the fifteenth of the month, for your song to be played on the radio, to die, to be reborn… before deciding to be happy.
Happiness is a voyage, not a destination.
There is no better time to be happy than… NOW!
Live and enjoy the moment.
Now, think and try to answer these questions:
1 – Name the 5 richest people in the world.
2 – Name the last 5 Miss Universe winners.
3 – Name the last 10 Nobel Prize winners.
4 – Name the last 10 winners of the Best Actor Oscar.
Can’t do it? Rather difficult, isn’t it?
Don’t worry, nobody remembers that.
Applause dies away!
Trophies gather dust!
Winners are soon forgotten.
Now answer these questions:
1 – Name 3 teachers who contributed to your education.
2 – Name 3 friends who helped you in your hour of need.
3 – Think of a few people who made you feel special.
4 – Name 5 people that you like to spend time with.
More manageable? It’s easier, isn’t it?
The people who mean something to your life are not rated “the best”, don’t have the most money, haven’t won the greatest prizes…
They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by.
Think about it for a moment.
Life is very short!
And you, in which list are you? Don’t know?
Let me give you a hand.
You are not among the most “famous”, but among those to whom I remember to share this message…
Some time ago, at the Seattle Olympics, nine athletes, all mentally or physically challenged, were standing on the start line for the 100 m race.
The gun fired and the race began. Not everyone was running, but everyone wanted to participate and win.
They ran in threes, a boy tripped and fell, did a few somersaults and started crying.
The other eight heard him crying.
They slowed down and looked behind them.
They stopped and came back… All of them…
A girl with Down’s Syndrome sat down next to him, hugged him and asked, “Feeling better now?”
Then, all nine walked shoulder to shoulder to the finish line.
The whole crowd stood up and applauded. And the applause lasted a very long time…
People who witnessed this still talk about it.
Because deep down inside us, we all know that the most important thing in life is much more than winning for ourselves.
The most important thing in this life is to help others to win. Even if that means slowing down and changing our own race.
***************Happiness is a voyage********************
It really depends on how we want our journey to be. We can decide how to view the issues we are facing each day. Are we suffering a crisis or are we enjoying an adventurous ride? It's all lies within our own hand. Happiness is a voyage and not a result!