Wednesday, December 28, 2005 @11:45 PM

It's story telling time again. Work has been overwhelming, yet no matter how busy I am, I do get sufficient "minerals of recreation" through watching some Hong Kong sitcoms. You can guess that the story I’m going to tell is stolen from one of the recent sitcoms I’m still watching. Don't be surprsied that sometimes these sitcoms do have something to offer. *lol*
In one of the scenes of this show, the daughter who was a lawyer was caught in a situation in which she either leaves the firm with her beau or to stay to help her mom (who owns the firm). She’s in a real quandary about which one to pick. So she talked to her dad, who apparently is known for his sharp wit. He didn’t tell her what she should do. He just told her a story.
Once upon a time, there were two piggy banks on the shelf. One looked simple and the other one had a fancy design. Now obviously the piggy bank with fancy and colorful design beckoned many passersby. The colorful piggy bank was so proud because whoever walked passed liked him so much and thus inserted coins to his “tummy”. The simple-looking piggy bank felt upset. Not long later, the colorful piggy bank was quickly filled up. But still whoever walked pass just stopped and touched the colorful piggy bank. And then one day, someone accidentally dropped the piggy bank on the floor and it was broken into pieces.
What happened to the simple-looking piggy bank? No one was interested in putting coins to him. But decades later, he became a valuable antique.
After telling this short story, the father still didn’t give any solid advice to his daughter. He just offered a line of wisdom for her to think about and make her own decision according to her own will.
“It doesn’t really matter which type of piggy bank you choose to be. Both have their charms. And of course both will have their downsides too. But you can’t have them all. So you just go for the one that your heart tells you. Once you've decided, just move forward and don’t look back regardless of the outcome. Remember to be courageous with your decision. You know best of what you want.”
I like this little story from the father. It is really tough to make decisions and yet we have countless moments of these. This story serves as a postscript to my earlier posts (Title: Decisions).
Good luck in your decision-makings. It is really tough to make a wise choice. I’m not going to deny this fact. But like what the father said; what we can certainly do is to go for the one we think is the best for ourselves. Hey remember not to look back and regret for the decisions we've made. We shouldn't, because we know we’ve chosen the best at that time. And we should be proud of it/them!
Just a gentle reminder to you, as well as to myself. :P