Wednesday, July 19, 2006 @5:55 AM

I enjoy traveling. It has always been fun to travel around. But the degree of fun and joy vary according to the style of traveling and its companions.
When I was younger I traveled to a few countries with my family, especially with my mom. My family usually signed up a travel agent and got everything arranged for the trips. I don’t mind just pay; show up on the day of departure and let the agent does all the arrangement.
I have been to group traveling trips during grammar school (primary) till HS back in my country. The whole bunch of at least forty or more school mates traveling was such a thrill. We sang together, joked and played games. I went for a college camping trip with 80 other mates from the same college once.
Since college, I went on many different trips with a few friends. It was either we drove, took long distance coaches or flew to the destinations. Some were kind of backpack. I have friends who are better-traveled than me. So naturally the lazy I would just sit back and relax while my friends were doing all the planning. Occasionally I had to take the initiative to work for the planning. Nonetheless, those were the fun time. And I think all my travel mates thus far have been great companion, albeit some were more pleasant than others.
I really enjoyed my recent voyages with my travel companion. How we arranged the trips was superb. Neither of us is an excellent planner. Yet we still planned a little for the trips. Our pace for the trip was just perfect. And we both liked the style of our voyages. Free and easy yet we got a lot of things done within a short period of time. We literally were able to read each others' mind and came to a consensus for big and small decisions in relations to the trips during the whole voyages.
Like it or not, some of my previous travel mates had a strong preference in certain things and thus the rest had to accommodate them. For example, when traveling with my mom, we would have to dine in Chinese restaurants all the time, and to be precise, Southern Chinese cuisine, even when we were traveling in a country with potatoes as its main dishes. How weird is that? During this recent voyage, we both tried all types of local cuisines. This is really something I love about my travel companion. We both love to try and explore new things, especially food. We even snapped photos of the dishes we had, and then laughed at our silly act. In one of the restaurant bars we dined in, the restaurant owner came and yelled, "
No picture please!" Of course, the owner was just making fun of us. Oh boy, my innocent travel companion was caught in clouds. I was laughing about this funny scene.
I admit I really suck for my stamina; yeah, I know I really need to go for more training. Although I love hiking, I always came out to be the last or who only made it half-way to the top of the hill. There was I even made my friends to stay behind to guide me slowly up the top and hence we missed the sunrise despite waking up around 4 in the morning! I felt so bad about that. During this voyage, we were visiting some old castle. One of the attraction spots was a tall tower. We both were not aware of the height of this tower until 5 minutes later. "
Geez, why aren't we there yet?" Then only we heard some other tourists telling us, "
It’s more than 250 stairs. You’re not even half-way there." What?! I freaked out instantly. I was thinking of turning back and gave up. But my travel companion was very patient. He held my hand to climb the stairs slowly and steadily. I immediately collapsed once I got to the top. My travel companion kept teasing about how he saved me for this Powder Tower tour! Damn, don't listen to him. I protested, "
Stop lying; I’m the one who piggy-bagged you!" Now, who is the real liar?
Other than just sight-seeing, I love to do something extra when I’m traveling. I like to check out the local radio station, newspapers, TV program and also to walk around and observe the daily lives of the people there. So I was forcing my travel companion to tune into the local R&B station. So far I haven’t heard any complaints from him yet. We even spent some time at the local bookstores flipping through different books published in its national language, pretending we understood the language.
Although there might be inconvenience to traveling in non-English speaking countries, it is another type of fun experience. Listening to different languages and trying to guess the ethnicity of the people we saw was one of our games we played during the trips. Oh not to mention, what makes it more fun is that due to my illiteracy of the local language, I bought a bottle of concentrated juice and made my travel companion drank at one forth of the bottle (which could make up to more than one liter of juice).
"Does it taste good?"
"Hmm…it's all right…but I find it a bit sweet."
"A bit sweet? Really? Noo…can't be…there must be something wrong with your taste bud!"
He took another few more sips and said,
"Really. It's a bit sweet."I grabbed the bottle and tried to read the label.
"Errr…you know what? I guess you're right. I think I've gotten you a concentrated juice that ought to be diluted 10 times more before consuming!" Oops a daisy!!
It was raining most of the time in one of the cities we stopped by. Yet we were still walking and wandering around the city sight-seeing despite the heavy rain. Guess what happened? My travel companion tore my favorite water-proofed jacket, well indirectly while he was hurrying me to cross the street. Great! Now I have the golden opportunity in threatening my companion for a brand-new jacket. I guess not many of you have had such experience before right?
While we were walking at the downtown area of another city, I smelled something unpleasant. I looked out and saw the source of the smell. I pointed to my companion. He instantaneously took out his high-tech camera. The next thing I heard was a Caucasian lady giggling on the other side of the street. She was making some hand signs, trying to warn me to stay away from my companion. I got the message and immediately ran away from him. Yep, I just had to run away from my crazy companion who was taking picture of a large pile of poop instead of all other beautiful sceneries along the street. By the way, in case you’re really curious how that pile of poop looked like, I've gotten you a copy of that picture here for this entry. I must admit it is a nice picture. It matches so well to one of my old entries (refer
So proud of the poop) before the trip. All right all the credits go to my nutzo travel companion. Teehee.
Great travel companion is not easy to come by. I think I have found the best and perfect (travel) companion; someone I truly enjoy traveling and spending time with; someone I am very comfortable to be together with; someone who can make me laughs and brings joy to me all the time; someone who can understand and appreciate my poop jokes; someone who makes me want to freeze the joyful moments and not wanting the time to fly; someone I am very eager and look forward to explore together with the many
adventures and voyages to come in life.
I am truly grateful for this. :P