Monday, November 07, 2005 @10:54 PM

(1)Grilled Meat
(2) Magnificent buildings
(3)Blood sausage that I ateI'm back from my conference trip plus a short get away. Did you miss me? Probably....
NOT, since I did keep you guys updated with bits and pieces while I was
"away". I just realized that the title of my 2nd
"away" post should
NOT be
"Updates from far" because actually in fact I was geographically closer to some of you while I was
"away". But of course
"away" could also mean I couldn't access to the internet frequently and as such was isolated from the world, so to speak.
The completion of this trip also means that I am now down to only one more continent to explore in this world. That will be the African continent. So whereabouts did I visit this time? I was reading a travel guide book in my hotel room. The first sentence in introducing the country goes like this,
"If Veracruz in Mexico, was the first european city in the Americas, then the last one was *the capital city of the country I just visited*."Day 1:I arrived one day prior the conference. The whole journey was more than 15 hours with a transit and also another stop-over before arriving at the final destination. I met TF outside the arrival hall. We took different airways. Since I always attempted to be a light traveller, I got through the immigration and claimed my baggage pretty quick. From the arrival information monitor, TF's flight was an hour delay (meaning he just got off the aircraft at that time).
"Great, at least another 20 minutes or so to wait for him!". But surprise surprise, TF came from the other direction 10 minutes later.
"I waited for you for an hour! But I've asked about the information to get around the city during this hour." Huh? Ok, I think TF just wanted some compliment there. It wasn't my fault to keep him awaiting. Apparently he had a bit of a drama during his departure due to the slow network system at the airport. His initial flight departed before he could go through checking in. Thus, he got upgraded to a "better" airline and he's so happy about it.
We took a cab and got dropped off at TF's hotel (standard price is USD20). From there, we worked out how to get to my hotel (which was another 15 minute walk from TF's) although it was just on the next street. The area we stayed is close to the conference venue, which is also the heart of the commercial and trourism centre.
The layout of the city (streets) are pretty good and easy to follow. It is pretty easy to walk around if you have a map. Even if you get lost, you will be able to find your way out fairly easy still. Well, I am that sort of helpless in sense of direction person, but I had no problem in walking around by myself there. However the streets are kind of narrow but very long and they are really busy with cars and pedestrians. Yeah, it is a little hustle bustle and the drivers and pedestrians are a little rough and have "quick reflex" because the pedestrians will cross the street whenever they find a chance. Can you imagine the rushing picture? Coming from a country with quite a similar road behaviour, I find it easier to adapt although I actually have blended in a more relax environment (or at least obey the rules) all these years. But I won't recommend you to rent a car if you're just hanging around the city here. In fact you can find buses and subways to transport you from one end to the other. I did not try any of those but had been hopping on a cab when I was a little lazy to walk (especially at night). Regarding the safety issues, em...well, it's relatively safe there, but still we'd got a few people's handbags being snatched.
One more thing I have to highlight, there are police officers standing on guard in many places along the streets, especially the tourists' area most of the time from day to night. This makes me wonder, it is either (1) it is really safe because we have the police there or (2) it is not that safe and thus we need the police there. Anyway, it is better to travel this country with someone so that you would feel safer to walk around. Regardless of that, still we have to watch out our bags and valuables when traveling anywhere, including this country. If you're traveling to this country during this season, be prepared for the rains. It did rain a few times when I was there, but I didn't bring any umbrella with me. I was lucky that when it was pouring, I was indoors.
So after dropping off our luggages, TF and I walked around the downtown area and he bought some travel guides with maps on. He was my pseudo-guide. But before checking out that, we went to have lunch. We were all excited about to trying the famous local delicacies. I think I do have short term memory, I couldn't recall which restaurant we went. I have to ask TF when I see him then. Anyway, after lunch, we walked around a little to find our ways to the conference place and window shopped briefly. But we were all exhaused after such a long hour flight and decided to rest for a few hours before we met up for dinner later. We had dinner in one of the cafes in Florida Street (the shopping streets with some cafes). We had beef and actually most of the time during our trip, we had beef because meat especially beef is this country's trademark.
Day 2:We went to the conference place early in the morning but found out the registration only began in the afternoon. So we went to a cafeteria and had breakfast. I tried the local continental breakfast set, with local pastry, fruits, juice and cappucino. Usually I am a coffee-free person. I never like the bitterness and the taste that leaves in the mouth after just a sip. Most importantly I found myself difficult to sleep after a cup of cappucino I had in one of the mornings with my college mate few years back. From that onwards, I resisted in consuming coffee anymore. But this time, I decided that I should be more open to try stuff and I did drink the cappucino. And my gosh, I love it! Another thing I love about the breakfast is a small glass of sparkling water's provided to you after the coffee drinking. There are plenty of cafes with excellent pastries (well-known local delicacies). It is really relaxing to just sit at a cafe and enjoy the sweet and coffee. Usually you can find bookstores next to the cafe. So you can spend an ideal afternoon sipping your coffee and reading a romantic Spanish poetry or novel there. But most of the hotels do provide breakfast. So maybe you can have your afternoon coffee instead, or just forget about the breakfast served at your hotel.
After that, I just tagged along TF and he explained to me (by reading from his travel guide book) the history background of each buildings. The old buildings here are gorgeous with European like design. Initially I thought I was at an European city. There are also many churches and cathedrals around. We found out that there's a street full of pubs and clubs. From the travel guide, that street's described as the happenings for nightlife. TF was so thrilled about this discovery. I was like,
"Oh ok.". Now you could tell who's the clubbing person!
*lol*With the welcoming reception of the conference beginning that night, I dedicated most of the time swimming in the pond of scientific and clinical knowledge and having enrichment food both for the brain and the stomach. Yes, more pastries served during coffee breaks and some of the nights I had more grilled beef either organized by the conference or private dinners with some of the physicians (refer to those posts updated previously). One of the nights included watching local dance at a restaurant. I am not so much into dancing but I admit Tango dance is really elegant. Not forgetting their local wines and beers. Again, I am not so much a drinker, but I must say the red wines and the beer are nice.
Day 9 (Birthday):As mentioned I spent the whole day walking at the downtown to snap more pictures to be added to my album and did a lot of shopping. TF and other clinicians I knew left the day before. So I had the opportunity to explore the place myself. Initially I was thinking to take a cruise to visit a neighbouring country but decided to spend the day to look around this beautiful city. I started from the beginning of Florida Street till the end for the entire day. I bought some clothes and lots of chocolate cookies and chocolates. I couldn't carry that much so I made two trips back to the hotel to drop off stuff. Leather is also a trademark here. I saw many tourists bought a lot of leather jackets, leather belts, handbags, shoes ex cetera. I didn't buy any of those. Well, they are pretty but the thought of getting one didn't appeal to me.
AA emailed me and this sentence made me giggled. She wrote, "Well, I hope that you had a good day for your birthday walking around the streets of *the city I was visiting*, not many people outside of *the country I visited* can say that they spent their birthday in the foreign country of *the country I visited*.. hehe... do I make it sound romantic?!?! " Ok, so people, YES, that was REALLY romantic I must say! I could stare at gorgeous guys at the streets whoever, whenever and wherever I felt like it. Aren't you people a bit envious of me now, eh? *lol*
I quote (from the travel book I read)
"Never again would men use their economic right to create replicas of world capitals far away with the profits of three generations of cattle barons and land ownership. Never again would so many palaces rise in a great city for pleasure and vanity." unquote. The city or this country is really worth a visit. You could tell its people are really proud of the culture and history imprinted. If I have a chance, I would visit this country again and hopefully I could check out the nature highlights in other regions of this country in the Southern part ie the spectacular glaciers. And of course by then I hope I would have armed myself with some Spanish language so that I could understand better during the trip conversing to the local people or even able to pick up some books from the bookstores and having my relaxing afternoons sitting at the cafe. If you're into shopping, makesure you bring an empty suitcase and a good walking pair of shoes. Also, if you're into soccer, you can arrange for watching a live football match there. TF tried to persuade me to accompany him to watch one of the local matches there but this girl lacks the S
occer Appreciation Gene in her
X chromosomes.
I am not good in descriptive writing. So I just wrote whatever I could think of and feel. Hopefully by now you could guess whereabouts I went from those events I described or mentioned here. Hey, so where did I go?