Thursday, December 15, 2005 @1:18 AM
Hey, thanks for your support for my first attempt of story-telling. Since the response was pretty encouraging, I will make my second attempt real soon. I have a story that I recall in mind now. But before that, I saw this short article from an unknown souce, which has been lying around on my laptop. I found it today while going through my folders. Guess what? It's a short list of tips in loving ourselves. That's right...after reading, I decided to love myself more. How can I be such a hypocrite if I'm not practicing what I said here right? Thus I'm starting to treat mysef better by getting some decent sleep tonight. Oops, nope, not tonight, should be this morning. Hey it's close to 1.30am now. I'm really tired with less than 8 hours of sleep all together in two days. I am deprived of sleep. I need sleep. So I'll save my story for tomorrow. I promise. Meanwhile, have a read on the following on the tips on loving ourselves more. Happy reading!
@@@@Tips on loving yourself more@@@@
Tips on loving yourself more....
Stop All Criticism - Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize
yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you
criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of
yourself, your changes are positive.
Don't Scare Yourself - Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It's
a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine
is sunflower), and immediately switch the scary thought to a pleasure
Be Gentle And Kind And Patient - Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to
yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking.
Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.
Be Kind To Your Mind - Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't
hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change your thoughts.
Praise Yourself - Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it
up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are
doing with every little thing.
Support Yourself - Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and
allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need
Be Loving To Your Negatives - Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill
a need. Now, you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs.
So, lovingly release the old negative patterns.
Take Care Of Your Body - Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does
your body need to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise.
What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you
live in.
Mirror Work - Look into your eyes often. Express this growing sense of
love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself looking into the mirror. Talk
to your parents looking into the mirror. Forgive them too. At least once a
day say: "I love you, I really love you."
Love Yourself. Do It Now - Don't wait until you get well, or lose the
weight, or get the new job, or the new relationship. Begin now -- and do
the best you can.
Your presence is a present to the world. You are unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be. Count your blessings and not your
troubles. Do not envy and create a devil of yourself. Life is not a race,
stop competing with others aimlessly. Value yourself and conquer any form
of self-doubt and you will be amoured against any other person criticism
or doubt.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 @1:04 AM
I don't believe in fairy tales because I think that's for kids, though I was one (and am still one).
*lol* However, there are some tales I reckon are really enlightening, suitable for kids and also for adults.
I read this story when I was a little child. Here you go...
Long long time ago, there's a man who traveled around with his son, who's around ten years old. One day, they walked passed a small village. Some villagers saw the father riding on a camel while his son was walking beside him. These villagers started pointing and criticising the father for being so selfish and not caring to his son.
"How could he let his poor son walk while he's sitting comfortably on the camel hump?" The critisicm became vociferous. The father felt extremely bad and he jumped down from his camel and asked his son to ride on it instead.
They continued the journey. This time they arrived at another small town. When both the fater and son thought they wouldn't hear any negative comment, they were wrong! Some people saw the father walking beside the son who's now riding on the camel. They began whispered to each other and then staring at them as if they were some evil demons.
"Oh my gosh, how could the son be so unfilial? He's making his poor old father walk while he himself is enjoying the luxurious comfort ride."This comment shocked both father and son. They got really upset and were discussing what they should do to avoid criticism. So this time, they came up with a brilliant solution.
While passing by a river, an old man was resting under a tree. He burst into laughter suddenly. Both the father and son stopped and asked the old man why he was laughing at them.
"I saw two fools walking exhaustedly. Either of you could have just riden on the camel. That's what the camel is for."The father and son were looking at each other helplessly. What should they do? They'd tried three ways and each received criticism.
Eh, what do you think they should do best? Nothing, just do what they like. It is their camel and their trip. If they both think the father deserves the ride, then by all means go for it. If the son should take the ride, well, he should just go ahead. We can't care so much what others will view us or what the critisicm will be.
Doing things to avoid criticism is in fact laying ourselves open to more attack. If we do so, we'll sure get a comment,
"Look at him/her. He/she is so pretentious. He/She fears of criticisms and ridicules. He/She must have done something wrong, if not he/she would not respond to the criticisms."All right, the end of the story-telling. I'll come back to you with more tales I read if I can remember. I love telling stories, I tell ya! :)
♥ every page of my imagination
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 @1:07 AM
I’ve heard a lot about the unfortunate stories of cancer patients from a distance. Yesterday, I met one of them. And she doesn’t look like she was suffering from this disease before. Who’s this Wonder-woman?
DV invited NK and I to his house for Sunday lunch. There we met this amazing lady. She’s extremely friendly and energetic. There’s no chill moment during the whole lunch meeting. We didn’t look like we'd just met. She was doing most of the talking, which some of her conversation really cracked me up. We introduced ourselves. After finding out that NK and I are working in the hospital, she immediately told us that a year ago she’s diagnosed cancer. When she mentioned about this, she wasn’t sad, embarrassed or with any pinch of negative emotion. What even more surprised me were the following lines she said.
“Cancer is just a disease. When my doctor announced the diagnosis to me that I had cancer, I didn’t feel too upset. I asked for the therapeutic option and went for one.”
“I even told my physician that it was better news than being told I had Alzheimer.”
After talking to her, I gradually understood the reason that impressed me of what she said earlier. She’s very optimistic and we all could feel her positive energy.
She has two jobs and she loves her jobs. She has her own career and at the same time helping her husband for his company. Though she’s not from this country, she has made a lot of local friends and also international friends and organizes gatherings and outings. Just take yesterday for an example, after our lunch meeting; she had to rush to a gathering with her friends. Then she went to play hockey with her son in the evening. After that she had her night filled with a movie night at home with her family.
She loves to travel. She is really well-traveled and in fact I was impressed that she holds an additional degree in tourism. She loves cooking, though she’s a South American, she is an excellent cook for Chinese and Thailand food. She told us that she actually went for professional cooking class to learn many different international cuisines.
“Life is really short. There is so much that I want to do. So I don’t allow myself to waste time. I want to go around to experience life and to see different things in different places.”
The Mexican lunch was great by itself. Great job DV, for being a fantastic host! But the presence of Wonder-woman had certainly added flavor to the exotic Mexican cuisine and we’ve packed some of that home ( “take aways”). Hope you get some of those from me here too.
♥ every page of my imagination
Sunday, December 11, 2005 @10:06 PM
It’s rather difficult to envision a powerful, smart and intelligent young female professor to be such feminine, soft and gentle wife at home. We would have expected strong and brilliant career-women who have much say at work amongst her colleagues at their level or who are taking the role as the commander to fall and have admiration for someone. The guys whom they are interested to spend their lives with must be extremely extraordinary great, huh? Well, most likely not at all, to most of us. Why? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
My supervisor is a very smart, talented and young professor in Medicine. She really stands out of her counterparts; especially the majority of the crowd is male physicians and scientists, some of whom are even a lot older than her. When I first joined her laboratory, I’ve heard a lot of positive remarks about her fantastic career she has built. She has certainly earned much respect from me, not only her excellent scientific knowledge but also her superb skill in human relationship. At that time, I only knew that she’s married with three small children. It did surprise me a little that she’s one of those few successful career women who manage to put in equal amount of effort and time to maintain a happy family. Then I was also thinking, “Wow, her husband must be a very smart man who also shares equivalent or even higher success in his career than her.” But my first acquaintance of him proofed my surmise wrong. Ok, I didn’t mean that my supervisor’s husband was not doing well in his career or was a not-so-intelligent person. In fact he has a great track of education record. He is an engineer. He is a quiet and shy person, unlike his wife who chairs meeting in front of all male counterparts. He turned out to be very different than I thought. Anyway, I could see that my supervisor admires her husband a lot and doesn’t feel that he’s not as successful as her in career- wise at all. I’ve even heard her mentioning certain good qualities of her husband with an admiration expression on her face.
I have some guy friends who are married. I am friends of their wives too. And to be honest, I don’t find these guy friends that great to be husband/bf. Ok, I don’t mean that they are not nice guys. They are indeed nice friends and nice guys too. But I just don’t admire them in the romantic feeling. In another words, I don’t feel that they are my hero. However, when I hang out with their wives, I can obviously sense and feel from their words and gestures of how they admire their husbands, their heroes.
When I was a little child, I really admired my dad a lot though he’s always busy with his work and he hardly spent time with his children. I was a little scared to talk to him too at one stage when I was young. He’s just too serious and there’s no communication and interaction going on. The only thing he talked to us was, “How’s your exams?”, “Are you studying hard?” serious stuff like that. But still I respected him a lot and whenever I had problems, he always turned out to be my hero, my savior who would somehow found ways to solve all sort of problems for me. Sometimes I didn’t even dare to go up to him, because I felt really bad to bother him out of his busy schedule. So I turned to my mum for help most of the time. It was really funny to see that most of the time; my mum waited for my dad to come back to solve the problems. And to my amazement, my mum heaved a sigh of relief after informing every problem regarding us and the household because my dad would manage to fix them all up, somehow.
After growing up, I realize that there are certain problems that my dad can be helpless in. As I age, he’s also getting old. The role of him taking care of me is gradually reversing. And my impression of a strong and great hero is becoming vague. I would say that image of my dad as my hero was captured and saved in my heart and memory of the olden days.
Few years ago, I read an article somewhere about females actually model their male romantic ideal on their relationship with their father (and if I remember correctly it was also written that males model their female romantic ideal with their mother). This is because father is the first male they encounter and interact in their life. I think this observation tells some truth. I was discussing this with some of my girl friends in several occasions and so far they agree with this. Last week, we chatted about this with Mrs. Nice and she admitted that Mr. Nice does have some qualities resembling her father. I don’t mean that we are looking for a clone of our dad. It is easy and natural for girls to use our father as a reference with our guys we are interested with. Say, my father is a responsible man. Naturally I tend to give a plus to guys who have this quality too, whereas if my dad is a gambler; I do not wish my children’s father to be one too. Oops, have I freaked out all my guy readers here? Don’t worry, we girls are not looking for someone to baby sit us or solve everything for us. It is the feeling of a mixture of like and admiration upon someone whom we want to share our lives with, whom we call our hero.
Though dad was my hero when I was young, I realize he’s not really my hero and can’t be one forever. Eh, you know I can’t fight with my mum. *lol* All right then, I’ll just wait for my hero to appear. And I miss him.
♥ every page of my imagination
Friday, December 09, 2005 @11:21 PM
Many people are confused of where I am originally from even though they've known me for a while. Well, I don't blame them for this. Sometime I have to think before answering a simple question "Where're you from?". Not that I am holding dual nationality. Not that I'm a harmful illegal immigrant. I just need more than a sentence to introduce myself briefly.
The doubtful moment for answering this sort of question is more frequently popping when I am at another country (that is neither my home-country nor where I am studying now). I could remember when I was with AA visiting Disneyland, the lady at the ticket booth asked whereabouts we were from. AA answered without a second thought. I paused a second and was thinking how should I answer her in order not to make my answer sounded complicated, I just told her, "I am from Country D." I wasn’t lying. I was returning to that country after that trip.
During my recent conference trip, I was chatting with a South American surgeon at the poster exhibition halls. Again, I was asked where I was from. This time, I decided to give a more elaborate answer. After my 30 seconds of introduction, he stared at me, flabbergasted.
Sometimes even my coworkers and my supervisors always mistakenly thought that I was from Country C or Country B. I worked in Country C for 2 years before I came over, whereas I studied in Country B for 5 years for my senior HS and my college. It has occurred to me in numerous such occasions, I basically just clarified on the spot to them. I was just trying to be specific. But I guess the extra piece of information about me is not significant for the visitors to know at all. I bet they must think like this, “Geez, this girl is strange. Why is she introducing herself so much? We are not interested in her.”
There are also a number of times that some people are puzzled a little when I told them I was Chinese. “Aren’t you from Country A?” Then I have to explain to them, Chinese is more of an ethic race than a nationality. There are many Chinese residing everywhere in the world. One thing I have to mention is the people in China are considered as Chinese, which comprises of different ethic groups including the Han, Man, Miao, Meng, Hui and Zhang.
Sometimes I really wonder does it matter so much of where we come from. Why do we always mention where we are from when we start to make new friends with others. Why do we have to include this piece of information in our introduction at formal or informal occasion? And why are we so curious to find out where does he/she from when we meet new friends? Well, that’s really nothing wrong in asking. I am curious about the people I meet too. I guess it makes us understand our new friends better. Or this is just basically part of a conversation. I mean we need to start somewhere in making conversations with someone who is yet to be our friend right?
“Hello, I’m Jade. I am Chinese but I am from Country A. I studied in Country B and worked in Country C before. Now I am studying in Country D. But all these are not important. Most importantly is I’m pleased to meet you. And hey, if you know me well, I can be witty most of the time, sing, and smile and laugh a lot when I’m in a happy mood.”
Next please. Hey it’s your turn now. Now tell me about yourself and where are you from?
♥ every page of my imagination
@12:47 AM
Approximately 10 years ago, the little boat set of for her voyages round the world from where she was manufactured. She has been exploring several new places. The voyages thus far have been adventurous and exciting, though at times they can be challenging too.
While enjoying the voyages the little boat are heading, she's also attempting to find her ideal depot as home. Her Utopia.
Depot A has been a great place but there were many boats on the waiting line for the depot. So the little boat decided that instead of wasting her time for the queue, why not checking out other depots that might be her potential home.
She happily sailed to
Depot B.
Depot B is a newly built place though relatively small. There you can find many new and moden boats docking in this modern depot with the world's best facility. But the little boat didn't seem to admire the advance technology in
Depot B. She decided to head to her next voyage from there and stop by
Depot C to check out the possibility.
Depot C is far away from the previous two depots. It has a completely design than what the little boat used to experience. No doubt
Depot C is a wonderful place for change of scenery. The little boat was engrossed in exploring new stuff in this place. Wow, most of the boats there have breathtaking classic design. Some of them are even winners in some of the world's sailing championship. The little boat was really thrilled in exposing herself and to learn whatever she could from these spectacular boats. No matter how hard she blends into scenery, the little boat pretty stands out amongst all these big and classic boats. Maybe there is another depot that may be a better docking place for this little boat than this.
Where will the next adventurous trip for this little boat? Will she ever find her
Utopian home? She just wants a place that is strategic which provides her sufficient space for docking and a nice view.
Where is home? A place that we will feel comfortable and secured. It may not be the most perfect place on earth, however it will still be the Utopian home for us deep in our heart. While the little boat is still searching for hers, let's just enjoy the voyages she's making. Who knows one day one of the voyages will take her home?How about you? Have you found your depot?
♥ every page of my imagination
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 @5:24 PM
We have gaps. There are gaps between you and me. Each individual is different and thus has some gaps because we have different likings, share different perspectives and views and have different personalities and characters.
Yet, sometimes we find ourselves easily mix with our own cliché, a certain type of people or even with people we don’t share much common. This is what I see as the link we have with them. The population is countless. But somehow we manage to know a very small subset of people in our life. If this is not due to the link, then how could we explain it better?
The link is not a constant factor. It can get stronger or weaker depending on both parties and the causes of the interactions. That is the reason why it is likely for us to be closer with someone after experiencing something together. This is because we tend to associate the experience with this person and hence bonds both sides stronger.
My dad is a pretty reserved person. He likes to get close to us like friends but he is always not taking the initiative. The only time he did that was when he was initiating an effort to build a closer father-son relationship with my little brother. Well, my brother is the youngest in the family and there’s a big age gap between him and my father. My dad used a very old tactic. He wanted to pass on his hobby of collecting stamps to my brother. As if he’s passing his business and skills to his son. This is what we usually observe in Chinese families of the olden days. That’s right; my dad is a traditional dad too.
*lol* Anyhow, if you know my brother well, you won’t be surprised that the little brat has only 3-minutes heat for everything he does, except playing computer games and lego!
*lol*. To me, this is a funny pair of father and son. Yeah, so back to the stamp collecting thingy of my brother, he actually lost the interest after half a year or so. My dad was still trying to raise his son’s interest. But my brother was just not responding much. I saw the disappointment in my dad’s eyes.
You know what I did then? Well, I was trying to link them up. I started to collect stamps for both of them. Each time I went home, I would take out the new collection I got from other people and from elsewhere to my brother, hoping that he’d take a glance at them. Well, I’m sorry to announce here that I still haven’t succeeded in doing so. So I switched my target to my dad. Now I’m pleased to tell you my dad is delighted that at least one of his children is paying attention to one of his hobbies. Since then I’ve actually been really collecting stamps and being the middle person to pass them to my dad.
No, I don’t regard stamp collection as my hobby. Well, you can’t expect a lazy person keep on updating her collection, can you? But I do keep an eye for stamps from different countries, for my dad (and my bro, hopefully one day). Last week, FA brought me a stack of stamps from her country. I was very surprised because I have never told anyone here that I was collecting stamps. I guess there was one time that I asked for a stamp on an envelope from someone and apparently FA was there and she remembered that I collected stamps. So now I have an additional supplier for stamps and most importantly I feel glad that now FA and I can have something more to interact. How could you not be grateful to such a friend who actually remembers what you said even for just one time?
Today we had a floor pre-christmas coffee party. It was initiated by a few of us but slowly extended to the entire floor. It was another surprise that we had representatives from each laboratory to participate and help out for the small party. The feeling was great because the bond was really drawn. There was more crosstalk occurring now between different labs.
It is certainly our fate to know someone out of the zillions and zillions of human beings. But what makes the fate or the link lies on our own hands. I’m not saying we should artificially make the link happens. Small events can really make the gap narrower. Sometimes they even happen unexpectedly. My dad was artificially putting an effort trying to bond with my brother, but I ended up being close to my dad through this artificial stimulation (stamp collection). And through my involvement in assisting my dad and my brother, I was delighted to find out that FA is such a nice pal (though passing her unwanted stamps to me doesn’t sound any big deal at all, it is certainly a nice gesture of her to remember something I just casually mentioned to others very long ago event though I couldn't remember when was thatl). Well, it’s the thought that really matter, ya know? As for bigger occasions like organizing an activity will definitely gives us a chance to interact with others better. Who knows maybe we will talk about this event or activity years later and laugh about it right?
You know what? It takes a bit of a link for you to find my blog out of that many and read this entry in particular. You must be lucky. No? Nevertheless, I really feel lucky to have you as my reader!
♥ every page of my imagination
Monday, December 05, 2005 @10:10 PM
I was invited to Mr. & Mrs. Nice's place for lunch yesterday. One of our friends, TE was in town for business trip. Well since I just had a catch up dinner with TE two nights ago, Therefore I wasn't that thrilled to meet him up yesterday. Instead I was really looking forward to meet Miss Nice. You know what? I actually dreamt about her few nights ago. Oh, Miss Nice is turning 3-month old this Wednesday. :)
Me: I feel that I still know nothing about my profession. I'm still running around Level One.
Mr. Nice: There's actually so much to know. You don't have to worry. I'm sure you're doing fine.
Me: I wish I could be creative, independent and be familiar with my research area.
Mr. Nice: Well, that would be nice if you could achieve those now. They are your ultimate aims.Me: What should I aim right now?Mr. Nice: Master your technical skill although you're dependent on your supervisors' advice and suggestions. That's absolutely fine.Mr. Nice: You know ,you really shouldn't look too far ahead. If you can't pass Level One, how can you proceed to Level Two?I tilted my head slightly to look at Miss. Nice (the baby). She's smiling at me. Geez, she's really growing fast. She has grown quite a bit since I last saw her two weeks ago. Man, I'm now a little concerned that the baby clothes I bought for her during my conference trip would soon not fit on her. And I thought I was smart in getting a size of a 9-month old. Oh heck, I need a lot of training in this aspect.
*lol* Yeah, babies grow fast. I'm sure in 3 months' time; her parents will be bragging about her turning her back and eventually rolling around. 6 months later, she'll be crawling around the house. When she's close to one-year-old, she'll be holding any furniture she can find in the house to support her little chubby legs to stand up. In fact she will start calling
"Papa & Mama". Some even scream
"I want mum-mum (no, not calling for the mother, but for food!)." Don't be shocked about this, I was one of them.
*teehee* Soon enough she'll be walking all by herself and then even starting to run around and play hide and seek with her parents. Ah, what an amazing infant developmental process. Did we really go through all these stage by stage ourselves when we were babies?
Babies learn step by step. It is also the same for every one of us, be it studies, career, relationship and so forth. We won't be able to run steadily if we can't even stand firm. The more we rush, the easier we will trip ourselves. Construction workers have to follow the instruction of Civil Engineers to lay a strong and solid foundation for gigantic building, regardless of how fancy the design by its architectural was. Without the foundation, the building will crack and fall easily. Another example is growing a small plant. It takes time for it to grow and for its flowers to come into bloom. Pulling the stem of the plant to make it taller is way too foolish. Fertilize the soil too much ain’t helping either. The plant will grow and bloom when the time is ripen as long as it has sufficient minerals in its soil and is exposed to enough sunlight and watered regularly.
I grinned at the baby again. And she smiled back as if she knew what I was thinking and thus responded, “Jie-Jie (older sister in mandarin), let’s focus and just work hard on our first level in our developmental stage.” I pinched her chubby cheeks and nodded my head and whispered to her, “Thanks for your little support and reminder!”
By the way, Mr. Nice’s mother protested that her granddaughter should call me Aunty Jade instead of jie-jie (older sister). This was agreed by the rest too. Nooo... way!! I insisted to be called jie-jie giving the reason that Mr. Nice is just 6 years younger than my uncle (my mother’s brother). Hence they are in the same generation whereas Miss Nice and I are the same generation. Eh, don’t you just adore Jade’s cheekiness?
♥ every page of my imagination
Saturday, December 03, 2005 @11:28 PM
I don't need an object to remind me of certain things, food, places, people and seasons. All I need is just some functioning receptors in my nose to pick up the chemical (smell) and has it transmitted to my brain.
I remember during my first year away from home in a new country alone, everything was foreign in that new city compared to home, which I had been staying for the past 17 years of my life. It took me a good old 3-4 months to adapt to the new change. But when the first Fall season, which is also the rainy season arrived, the first heavy rain smelled so much like the rainy days in my home country. I felt home.
I went home January this year to celebrate Chinese New Year with my family. Upon my arrival back from vacation, the smell of a combination of frosty snow and everything in the air reminded me that my vacation had ended. And it was time to get the engine started.
It is well-known that everyone generates his/her unique body scent. No, it's not actually reffering to the type of unpleasant/offensive body odour (BO). Our body produces a certain type of scent, which is affected by our living habit especially the eating habit. Sometimes some people's body scent is camouflaged by some artificial influence, say perfume. Now I must say I am a perfume girl. So when it comes to fragrance, I can be pretty sensitive. Yet, I find that though two individuals use the same bottle of perfume, they can smell different. Why is this so? It is probably due to the original body scent of different individuals that make this combined scent effect. Of course, for those who have some unpleasant BO problem, probably it is good to make some improvement in personal hygience and eating habit [click
here for more tips]. It is worth to note that some BO might be a symptom of some diseases, which we should be aware of.
The whole sense of smell mechanism is really complicated. Great works have been done on our olfactory system by Nobel Laureate Prof. Richard Axel and Prof. Linda Buck. And this work was actually awarded for the
2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine [click on the link about these two Laureates]. I had attended one of their Nobel lectures.
I have my favorite scents. Perfumes that smell fresh and light are certainly my bottle of scent. After shower smell. Clothes that come out fresh from the washing machine. The smell of rain. My grandma's cooking. And the smell of
home. What about you?
♥ every page of my imagination
Friday, December 02, 2005 @8:14 AM
We love complications. Thus when two human-beings are involved, the complication rolls bigger. Having a good human relationship with everyone surrounding us is such an onerous task. How I wish we could have some formal education or a book in teaching us some strenuous efforts in handling this formidable task.
This subject sounds horrible, doesn't it? Yeah, a lot of times we are just caught up in situations and sometimes we are either screwing someone up or being screwed up when the situation's not dealt properly. Believe it or not, it is so easy for us to remain upset and furious for a long while just because of one small thing that is out of whack. So what can we do about this? I mean it is really difficult to live a hermit life and not interact with other people. Therefore minimising interaction with others certainly won't help.
I guess the best is just deal with the matters as wise as we can, and regardless of the outcome, we just move forward. As long as we have the right intention in mind, which is trying not to hurt others deliberately, we shouldn't have the guilt trip and certainly shouldn't let it effect us emotionally. The idea would be just deal with the matter as simple as possible and not involve bias judgment with other individuals even though they are doing wrong.Two days ago, my coworker, JH came to me with anger in her face and started bursting out all her annoyance about someone from other lab. She was extremely exasperated.
JH: So-and-so didn't want an old apparatus and decided to throw that away.
JH: I thought we could inherit that and they agreed. I have been using it since then.
JH: But So-and-so came to me just now telling me that they wanted it back.
JH: How can they be so gall. Things given out shouldn't be taken back anymore. They belong to the recipient.
What would you do if you were JH? Angry? Irrirated? Argue with the person that they have no rights to take back stuff given out?
Oh well, yes, I guess once things are given out shouldn't be taken back because it's already given away and doesn't belong to us anymore. But, there is no absolute wrong for them to take back too if they had paid for it in the beginning. Anyhow, if I were JH, perhaps I would be irked a little. But irksome won't do us any better. Neither does going up to argue with
So-and-so helps too because this will just blow up the matter. It is just an apparatus and this one is even an old one. I would happily just let them take back and get another one for ourselves. I mean come on, this is just an apparatus. Even if it is an expensive one, there is still ways to solve the problem. It is not wise at all to be upset about the entire matter (I won't call it an issue at all). Plus it is really not smart to further complicate the already complex human relationship with others. Probably we would feel displeased with people being impolite with us. Well, it is them who are impolite. If we get affected by their impoliteness, aren't we also behaving like them too?
There is no definite answer in dealing with all the circumstances in human relationship. The older we are, the more experiences we are exposed, the wiser we become and the better we become in handling this. Wisdom is extremely important. But wisdom will only appear if we have a calm-abiding mind. Eh, are you wiser today than before?
Update: JH is still upset about the matter. She was talking about this matter again just now. I mentioned that we couldn't do anything to change
So-and-so, we just have to leave it behind and find alternatives in replacing the apparatus. Hope she gets over it soon and not has to suffer from the negative emotions.
♥ every page of my imagination
Thursday, December 01, 2005 @9:35 AM
I'm not ready, yet. I think.
We have been having two continuous heavy snow falls. Needless to say everyone has put on themselves with all winter gears whenver they go out, except me. No, maybe I exagerated a little. I was mentally expecting and in fact welcoming winter especially for the snow. But I can't emphasize enough about my permanently activated laziness gene. One of its byproducts is the laziness of taking out all my winter gears from the wardrobe. Whoa! How did I survive since the first snow fall? Well, due to my laziness, I've not kept my winter jackets and my snow boots since my last use. Other than that, I've been just going around without gloves and scarfs and even my beanies. Yet, I haven't felt the necessity to succumb my laziness because I can still withstand the cold frost with my natural insulator.
*lol* Well, all in all I guess I'm just not ready for a lot of events that are rolling in.
As time is passing each day. I was once again reminded by my supervisor that I'm now approaching half way to my degree. Geez, I thought I was still a young sprout not long ago.
"When do you want to do your half-way examination?", she asked. It took me a 10-second to answer this. I should be excited and happy because she might be thinking I was ready.
"I am not ready yet, I think." She smiled and said,
"You will, by then." So much so that I was glad that my supervisor had confidence on me, I really felt that I was not ready.
"When are you ready?" We are constantly approached by this question and we poss this question to certain people too.
"I am not ready yet." serves a very good excuse as well to turn down a lot of things including marriage. But when is the time we are really all set ready for something? Probably never or quite a while. Can we measure how much more we are ready, not? Maybe at the most we can get the indication from the guesstimate.
We will only feel we are ready when we have the confidence. So when will that be? Well, it is rather difficult to estimate.
The confidence level is gradually accumulated each day. And then at one point, we'll just feel that, "Yes, I am ready now.". But that doesn't mean we'll be ready without putting effort in the preparation and just wait for the time to come (factors of all aspect and the confidence are necessary). Time will pass but if we are not (willing) mentally prepared, we'll never be ready. Well, it is okay that now we are not ready for
*whatever* we are aiming for. Don't forget we're actually working on it little by little. We'll get there one day.
I was supposed to put this post up 24 hours ago. Well, I wasn't ready to complete the composition before work. This is not new news huh? See, alas I've got it posted up now, 24 hours later, tho.
♥ every page of my imagination